when knowledge de dicto implies knowledge de re.
Suppose that Angela believes that Santa Clause exists. One
way to think of Angela’s belief is in terms of a relationship between Angela
and a certain proposition, as in the following expression:
Ba((∃x)x = Santa Clause))
i.e.—Angela believes that there is something such that it is
Santa Clause.
Another way to think of Angela’s belief is in terms of a
relationship between Angela and a thing, as in:
(∃x)Ba(x = Santa Clause)
i.e. There is something such that Angela believes that it is
Santa Clause.
Notice that first expression implies the existence of Angela
but nothing else. The second expression implies the existence of Angela and as
well as the thing which Angela believes to be Santa Clause. (Even if there is
no such thing as Santa Clause, the second expression asserts that there is at
least one thing which bears the relation of being
believed to be Santa Clause by Angela).
Notice that this difference between these expressions disappears
if the relation in question is not belief but knowledge. Consider:
Ka((∃x)x = Santa Clause))
i.e.—Angela knows that there is something such that it is
Santa Clause. And
(∃x)Ka(x = Santa Clause)
i.e.—There is something such Angela knows that it is Santa
Regarding the latter expression: If there is something such
that Angela knows that it is Santa Clause, then both Angela and Santa Clause
exist. And the same goes for the latter expression: Angela knows that there is
something such that it is Santa Clause only if Angela exists and her belief is true, and her belief that there is
something such that it is Santa Clause is true only if—you guessed it—there is
something such that is Santa Clause. Generalizing, this latter point
underwrites the following inference rule of epistemic logic:
∴ (∃x)(φx)
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