in Him all things live and move and have their being.
Today during my lecture I felt more alive than I have in a long time. I gave the following perfunctory definition of logic: [who the hell do I think I am to give a definition of logic? Then again, who the hell is anyone to think she can give a definition of logic?]:
Logic: what is necessary for both thought and reality.
What inspired my definition was my reflection on the apparent continuity and isomorphism between what is necessary for something to be thinkable and for it to be real. For instance, in order for something to be thinkable, it must obey the principle of non-contradiction. To think of anything at all it’s impossible to think of it being X and not being X at the same time and in the same respect. And the same seems to hold for reality. Not only is something’s being both X and not X unthinkable, for anything to be it cannot be both X and not X. And the same criterion seems to be operative in the articulation of any logical axiom, even when a purported axiom ends up falling short of this standard.
Anyway, I then thought about my definition in context to John 1:1-3, where St. John identifies Christ with the logos, which is the Greek word for (among other things) logic.
“In the Beginning was that which is necessary for thought and reality, and that which is necessary for thought and reality was with God and that which is necessary for thought and reality was God. Through that which is necessary for thought and reality all things were made; without that which is necessary for thought and reality nothing was made that has been made.”
Seems right to me.
Also: I like this.
therefore, X
matias ichaso inc.
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