Sunday, August 11, 2013

on God and the origin of life.

Suppose that scientists make the following discovery:
When inorganic molecular compounds X, Y, and Z are in condition C, organic compound L is formed.  Being organic, L has at least three of the following properties: being homeostatic, being adaptive, being metabolic, or being reproductive.
Such a discovery would show that animate matter (L) might originate from inanimate matter (X, Y, and Z).  Of course, the experiment would be repeated, and let’s suppose that the initial discovery is subsequently confirmed. No doubt the following statement would become a biological law:
The Law: X, Y, Z + C L
So be it, I say.  But would it follow from the truth of The Law that God’s existence is not necessary for the origin of life?  No.  Here’s why:  Even if The Law is true, if God exists, then God is the one who endows the molecular compounds X, Y, and Z with their causal powers.  That is, If God exists, then without God there would be no X’s, Y’s, and Z’s.  Nor, in the absence of God’s existence, would there be any molecular compound L, even if X, Y, and Z would be sufficient (in the right circumstance C) to bring about L.


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