explaining evil = denying evil.
If everything happens for
a reason, then there is no evil. Alas, there is evil. Ergo, not everything
happens for a reason.
Comment: I
think that this argument is sound.
What’s doing all the work is the conditional, “If everything happens for
a reason, then there is no evil.”
A lot is packed into “…for a reason”. Here’s some phrases I could have used in its stead: “is such that it had to happen”, “is
such that it is best”, “is such that God unequivocally delights in it”, and the
like. Because I’m committed to the
conditional, I think that much of what goes for explaining why there’s evil in the world comes dangerously close
to denying that there is evil
in the world.
“If then one wishes to know the cause of each thing, why it comes to be or perishes or exists, one had to find what was the best way for it to be…”
Plato, Phaedo 97c-d