some things are both not true and not false.
seems plausible to suppose that for any statement (S: statement), it is false (F:
false) if and only if it is not true (T: true). Formally:
(f) (x)(Sx
→ (Fx ↔︎ ~Tx))
seems to be above reproach. But some might confuse (f) with the claim that a thing is false if and only if it
is not true, or
(f’) (x)(Fx ↔︎ ~Tx)
But (f’) isn’t true. To see this, consider
b: b is a banana (B: banana) and b is neither true nor false. Thus, it follows
that (f’) is false. Here’s the
The upshot
is this: if someone tries to tell you that you must think that a certain
sentence is false because you think it is not true, you can tell him that he
should consider a banana.