on knowing what we don't.
“For now we see in a mirror, dimly…”
—St. Paul, 1 Cor. 13:12
To say that we see ourselves in a mirror only dimly is to
say that we don’t know ourselves as we are. A mirror is supposed to show us what’s always
already there, even when we’re not looking. But if the lighting is dim or the
mirror tarnished, what we see when look into a mirror is a dim or tarnished
view of ourselves. What we see is
indeed none other than ourselves, but we don’t see ourselves clearly. I think this is right. Only a fool, it seems, would say
otherwise. That is, only a fool
could see in a mirror dimly and think that he’s seeing himself not dimly.
But here’s my question: How does St. Paul, or we, if we agree with him, know that we see in a mirror dimly? Let’s suppose that the only way to see
ourselves is to look upon a dimly lit or tarnished mirror. If that were all we’ve ever seen, how
would we know that the mirror is in fact dimly lit or tarnished? We understand St. Paul’s metaphor
clearly because we’ve looked into both clean and dirty mirrors. But St. Paul’s point is that when
it comes to knowing ourselves as we are, we’ve never had an unadulterated view
of ourselves. But if we’ve never
had an unadulterated view of ourselves, how would we then know that the view we in fact have is adulterated? The only way out, it seems, is that
however dim our view of the mirror is, we nonetheless can see clearly that we
don’t see clearly.
I’ll say it again.
Someway, somehow, though we see in a mirror, dimly, we see in a mirror, brightly,
that we see in a mirror, dimly.
What a magic mirror, I say! For it at clearly shows that it is not.
There once was an author who likened our condition to that
of prisoners starring at shadows of themselves. What’s worse is that the prisoners neither know that they
are prisoners, nor do they think that the shadows are shadows. Though they look at themselves, shadowy,
they think that they look at themselves distinctly.
We should ask: what does this author think his relationship
to our condition is? If he knows he’s a prisoner and he knows he sees nothing
but shadows, then he cannot be one of us.
But, magically, this author denies that he knows what he says he knows. After describing our condition, our
author has his protagonist say, “They’re like us.”
Somehow, someway, our author knows that he does not know
that he is a prisoner. Somehow,
someway, our author distinctly sees himself shadowy.